Fifth disease
Fifth disease is a children’s disease. Symptoms are spots all over the body, starting in the face. The spots can be butterfly-shaped, and the patient can be running a fever. Please always contact us if you’ve been in contact with someone with this disease.
Contact with someone who has roseola during your pregnancy poses no risk.
Chicken pox
Chicken pox is a highly contagious children’s disease. It is characterized by itchy blisters filled with fluid on the skin of the entire body. Most adults will have had the disease as a child. It can still return later in life as shingles.
If you have had chicken pox before, you are immune and won’t be at risk during pregnancy. If you are pregnant and are unsure whether or not you have had chicken pox, please mention this during our intake appointment. If you’ve been in contact with someone with chicken pox during your pregnancy and you have never had it before, please contact us.
Syphilis (lues)
Syphilis, also called lues, is a sexually transmitted disease which is passed from one person to another through unsafe sexual contact. To prevent infection of the baby it is important to detect the illness as early as possible in the pregnancy. If blood tests show you have syphilis, you will be referred to the gynaecologist and you will receive antibiotics.