All four midwives working in our team are qualified sonographers. We make several ultrasounds during your pregnancy.
All four midwives working in our team are qualified sonographers. We make several ultrasounds during your pregnancy.
During pregnancy, ultrasounds can be made on the following grounds:
Intact pregnancy
This ultrasound is made between 7 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. The aim of this ultrasound is to see whether the foetus is neatly nestled in the uterus and whether there is a beating heart. From this term on, you can come to us for an ultrasound. Please keep in mind that this will probably be done vaginally.
Due date scan
This ultrasound is done between 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. We will check whether there is one or multiple foetuses, whether the heart beats and the size of the foetus. Based on certain measurements we can see how far along the pregnancy is at this stage. We can also determine a lot of other details during this scan. This is a standard ultrasound carried out by our midwifery service for each pregnant client.
Blood loss
Many women experience blood loss at the early stages of pregnancy. This can have many causes. Fortunately, it does not always have to mean something is wrong or will go wrong with your pregnancy. However it gives each pregnant woman a scare. That is why in these cases we often conduct an extra ultrasound; to reassure the parents or to make a diagnosis.
During each check we feel the belly. We can estimate how the baby is growing based on the growth of the uterus. When we are unsure about the baby’s growth, we will have an extra ultrasound made at Diagnostiek voor U. This can always occur, irrelevant of the size of the belly.
At the end of the pregnancy, ideally the baby should be in a head down position. Most babies do this but a small percentage, less than 3%, stays in breech position. To rule this out, we carry out a position scan at about 35 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. In case the baby is in breech, we still have time to rotate the baby to head down position.
All of the above scans are covered by healthcare insurance. Any additional ultrasounds, such as “fun ultrasounds” you would like to have done, you need to pay for yourself. You can make an appointment at a clinic carrying out these kinds of ultrasounds.